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viernes, 3 de junio de 2016

Women are not treated well in The Color Purple. Is their treatment a gender or an ethnic identity issue or both?

80 comentarios:

  1. Hello!!! You are free to post your comments until next Friday 10.

    1. I think both. Racism and sexism are frequent un the novel and is a reflection of the social contexto that exists At that timé.the women is battered and raped for men alone for the fact of be women,and if to this we add the color of skin is worse.At that timé was horrible the power of dominación that had the men in the woman.although the racism is a matter of gender is also an ethnic problem.in ethnicity we can see how women is abused;for example the women is forced to practiced the circunsicion female;a act harmful.the movie focuses in the woman's mistreament by mens of their own race.

    2. Hello...
      Celie has been oppressed throughout his life, she is considered a woman ugly and few attributes. Celie unlike of her sister had two children from a man that she always thought was dad.she is marrie with a mister called Albert and him gives a life of miseries.
      Celie is a timid, uneducated woman,and although she believes that everything is singing;to weigh of this she is love of shug. This woman has a positive influence in the personality of Celie.
      With the passing of the years Celie becomes an independent woman.
      Nettie not lives the tragic of her sister life. She is most beautiful that her sister, knows read,write and likes learn.
      She is cheerful, enthusiastic and optimistic girl. She knows a little more to the world where live.
      Nettie decides to travel to Africa as a missionary; and she fainds that while there is not racial disparity in Africa gender disparity exists.

    3. Albert is deliberately cruel and vindictive for all those years and now he is punishing both Celie and Nettie's letters from Celie. Why do you think albert is punishing them? What did they do?

    4. I think that he decide to punish a Celie because ; he want to marry with Nettie and the Nettie 's father refuse to let it. Then when Nettie runs a way and takes refuge at Celie 's house he makes sexual advances toward her and she rejects. Other important fact is that the letters simbolize a certain voice that only they had and represent her true.
      Albert punish to Celie hiding the Nettie 's letters because it represent the form she can comunicate.

    5. Why was this novel titled The Color Purple?

    6. because the story is based on the development of life of women of color in the '30s.the color purple represents in thise story; power, violence and class struggle.because refers to the liberation of the slavery in united states of america.

  2. I believe both. Women in the color purple are treated badly by the simple fact of being women, at that time men were the only ones who worked and for that reason thought themselves superior and when a woman refused to do somenthing men wanted was bad, women were beaten and insulted by that. Skin color was also a problem for some. Nowdays racism is still a problem in society and to be honest I do not know why. I imagine that in those years the white people believed that they had to serve them only for their ethnic identity.

    1. Let's talk about the protagonists. In what ways are Nettie and Celie different?

    2. The two sisters illustrate different personalities. Celie is reserved and doesn't show intellectual development until later in the novel, Nettie is demonstrative and share her thoughts, she prefer to say what she feel instead of Celie that chose to just keep it to herself. While Nettie is more expressive, Celie tends to be more discreet. Also I think that the differences between them were due to the environment in which they were, Nettie did what she wanted while celie was trapped with her husband unable to express their feelings.

    3. Why does Albert tell Harpo to begin beating his wife, Sofia?

    4. Because Albert thought that beating sofia was the only way in which she would obey Harpo. So Albert said that as an advice to him.

    5. Was the book what you expected it to be? Explain your answer.

    6. Not really. I never thought It was about God, hope, sisterhood, discrimination, racism and abuse but however I liked and also it was interesting how the author made ​​the book as letters.

  3. Hi teacher! I am sure to say: both, because celie was beaten by Mr. Since he loved to shug. Celie was a worker women,all that Mr said to her,she musted do it an if she did or not did what Mr said to her, he beat her because he does not loved her. Sofia was beaten by harpo but it problem was because it was what he learnt of his father in his childhood. He thought that to beat to her wife was "love" because when he spoke with Celie he said to her: I loves her(sofia) and she loves me but when I beat her she beat me too and not does what I said to her, but I loves her, I always saw when my father hit you and you did all that he said to you. in the other hand sofia beat the mahor's wife because of the words given bye the major's wife to sofia, since sofia was black and tue major's wife was white(on that time the racism was popularand all the people with dark colored worked for people white. They were bought or they accepted to work for the white people ) maybe by the levelof society or ethnic identity. Now if we speak of ethnic identity we can speak about Netti, cornie, samuel, adam and olivia because they had to lernd a new lenguage, culture, (all about africa) and when netti , his husband, adam and olivia are coming backto America (they lived in then in africa and after many time they cone back.to america) Adam chose returnd to africa because all was different in america (culture,lenguage,people,context,etc) there was a block in his mind ,that was his new ecthnic identity adquired in Africa and the american .

    1. Let's talk about the protagonists. In what ways are Nettie and Celie similar?

    2. Bouth were wokers women and they be loved one to another because nettie and celie were good sisters, they express their love using the letterS, and this letters were witten by them. On the other hand bouth wanned come back to see a join family ( celie, nettie, adam and olovia)

    3. What does it take for Celie to finally reach her boiling point and reject oppression?

    4. Celie decided to go with shug to memphis because she understood that the oppression was bad, and she wanned to be happy with shug(she believed that to be with other woman was good but God created man and woman to live together and to has kids. you could read in the bible, specificaly in Génesis 1:26) , so, what she did (to love a woman like a man was bad) she does not believed in God because she has many trobles in her live but had a special and good love to her sister Nettie

  4. I think it has to do with both aspects. Women didn't have many rights those days, they were just supposed to get marry, raise children, and take care of the house and husband. But everything is even worse because of the color of the skin, given that black people used to be treated like slaves, and were sold to the best buyer. So, young women like Celie used to be treated with no rights for being woman and black at the same time, that's why she ends up having to be sort of Albert's slave.

    1. Let's talk about the protagonists. Do you think Shug replaced Nettie in Celie's life? Explain

    2. I think celie knew no one could replace her sister nettie. Instead of that, Shug took a new place in Celie's life, becoming a real friend, a part of the family, and her great love, showing her the happy side of life, and how to evolve and be a better and happier person. Eventhough Celie had Shug and loved her, she never stopped thinking and missing her sister nettie. Shug made her life better, but nettie was always the missing piece in her happines, a piece that could never be replace, not even by shug.

    3. Very good... What about Sofia? What role do you think she plays in the novel? Describe her character and how she contributes to the themes in the book.

    4. I think her character is very imporant, she happens to have a vital role in celie's life, showing her an example of a woman who is strong, independent and who is not willing to be punished or mistreated only for being a woman. Eventhough the circumstances break sofia's spirit and she ends up being a maid, or a slave if you can look at it that way, her personality remained the same, she wasn't strong enough to fight someone with more power, but at the end, and with the time, she came back to be that strong person, and managed to take her husband back. In the book her character helps the readers to see that not every woman in that time was willing to be treated that way, and that some of them were willing to fight for it.

  5. It is mainly a gender issue, back in the old times men tended to be the ones that owned everything, even women and it is easy to tell since you start reading the novel that it happens there. Not every man in the colour purple acts like that, the older ones are who keep that thought. Because their society thaugt them those things should be like that, I think.

    1. Let's talk about the protagonists. Keeping in mind that Celie's husband has a classic villainous character, why do you think he hid Nettie's letters to Celie instead of destroying them?

    2. I think deep down there's something good inside of him, which made him kept the letters, and maybe albert wanted to have something of nettie for himself too.

    3. Good...Now, why does Celie say that God "must be sleep?" What does she mean?

    4. Celie is doing a summary of what she has realized after reading nettie's letters. That summary mentions what's going on with the people that are part of her life, because Nettie wrote about things she didn't know until now. When Celie says "you must be sleep" she is trying to communicate how she feels about god and all those stuff that happened, and she doesn't see god in all that and it was another thing that has changed.

  6. I think both because men believed that the role of a wife was only to work at home, caring for their children and do what they wanted. In the same way, they believed that beating a woman was the best way for them to learn to do right things. So, this was also because of the place And the culture where they lived, of course if it was normal to treat a women in that bad way, men won't change their mind And culture.

    1. I thinh both too, because men had un their mind the idea that the women were an object and that they could try them in this way; at the same time, because in those time the women were not considered as now.

    2. Alizon:
      What life lessons does The Color Purple teach readers?

    3. I think that the lesson about "the color purple" was that it doesn't matter the adversities of life and bad things that can happen, always there will be a way to be happy and something important is that we can't lose hope because, at the end, everything is going to be alright, we must have faith that everything that can happen to you have a solution and you can go forward in spite of all circumstances. On the other hand, this novel is a clear example for women that are facing the same problems.

    4. I thik that the lesson is to support The adversity and the love forma The family is The most importante thing

    5. Why was this novel titled The Color Purple?

  7. I think the treatment has something of both, gender and ethnic identity issues. Gender issues because obviously there is a situation in which men are “better” than women, men put their power over women, and so on. And ethnic identity issues because there is also something a little weird for our age, the fact that they believe there are different types of “black people”. I mean, it’s not white over black, but “less black” over “more black”, and rich black people over poor black people, something like that.

    1. How did you feel about Celie’s and Shug’s relationship? Do you think there is a significant reason that Celie preferred women?

    2. Well, It was a little funny for me to figure out that in the movie the relationship is showed in a different and "censured" way. And reading the novel, it was also interesting to know that in that age already existed something like "lesbian love". I think the reason was all the hate Celie felt to Mr., all the abuse she suffered from him, so in some point of course she felt scared and uncomfortable with men.

    3. According to Celie’s father, why will Celie be a better wife to Mr. than Nettie?

    4. Because she was the oldest among them two, and because for Pa, Celie was dumb, she could do hard work, she used to cook and clean well, she could support anything Mr. wanted to do to her, and all those aspects made her "a better option"

  8. It has to do with both of them, because the society used to believe that men could do literally anything to women and of course that was wrong. We have to keep in mind the fact that these women tried to fight against this tendency but when doing so, people though that they were crazy or something like that. Anyway, these women had to live all their life with the fear to be beaten for practically anything, so at the end we could note that they won a little more respect from men.

    1. What role do you think Sofia plays in the novel?

    2. As a black American woman in the 1930s, she rejects completely the systematic oppression that endured the position of the black woman. In that system, a black person had to remain absolutely subservient to whites, economically and socially. Blacks worked for whites, who paid them very little. In addition, a black woman came under the rule of her husband. A black woman was a virtual prisoner in the system, because while white men was controlling the state, black men controlled the black households. Sofia had no chance in such a setting. She simply wasn't suited for it by her very nature.

    3. Why do you think Celie’s father rejected Mr.’s request to marry Nettie?

    4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    5. Celie’s father thinks Nettie is too young for a man like Mr. Besides, he has heard the rumors about the death of Mr.’s previous wife and his relationship with Shug Avery. On the other hand, he has made plans for Nettie to become a schoolteacher.

  9. I think that both becouse the people of this time thought that women was slave and should only serve children and his husband, even if they were women of color. The women had not law to tell or complain about anything becouse the man thought that was better.

    1. What does the way the community reacts to Shug’s illness say about the status of women?

    2. In the community nobody wants to shug. her mother told her that she had warned and his father said that she was a lost. A woman of the community said that she is going to die and perhaps was tuberculosis or some crap of women.

    3. Why was this novel titled The Color Purple?

    4. I think that It was titled the color purple becouse this novel was about two african american sisters and this novel was as these sisters overcome the slavery and racism.

  10. Hello teacher, well as to the novel, it's about the life of a woman of color. She is sold for the mom's husband after died. Also she is separated of her sister for Mr (Albert)
    Well teacheR, I consider that Celie had a stronger life of discrimination and domestic violence.
    She was considered like a maid. In those time the men were who had the power.

    1. Dear Eva: you haven't answered the main question. Is women treatment a gender or an ethnic identity issue or both? Explain

    2. Well teacher, I consider that both, because, Celie had a life some dramatic involves in the racism and discrimination. Was terrible issues in those time. Why is a gender, because has much drama. and Why it's an ethnic identity issue because that ethnics thought that the men were the leaders and the women had to do all in the home.

    3. Why was this novel titled The Color Purple?

  11. I think that both of these aspects take place toward this situation, because throughout the story I could observe that skin color was a clear factor to judge and reject those women, putting aside their personality and character. On the other hand, we have the male character who maintained an attitude of arrogance, mistreating and underestimating women. Also, there was a part in the novel where the mayor abused squeak, justifying that everyone do that; so, we can see how the influence of negative acts caused by society can affect the treatment against women, turning bad things into good ones. However, I think that what really matters for those women was recognizing the value they had in order to be respected.

    1. In your opinion, what does it take for someone (male or female) to deserve true respect?

    2. In my opinion, what is truly needed is that each individual be aware of his value as a person, just with the fact of being alive, whether man or woman, without it mattering skin color or ethnic identity. Therefore, it is important to assert the rights of each one by following the path of justice and putting into practice the love for fellow man.

    3. Why was this novel titled The Color Purple?

    4. I consider that “the color of purple” refers to focus not only on problems or hard situations but in a different color, that’s to say, to see things differently in order to appreciate the little details we tend to ignore, so we need to put aside prejudices and change our perspective of this passing word.

  12. I think that the novel show the discriminación and the unjustice, because the women are tried badly by their fathers and husbands Also, the children are sepatated of their mother. I considera that this history is very sad.

    1. Total y truth, the novel is ver y sad, because the protagonist Celie was attacked and insulted. Those acts did to feel so unhappy! On the other hand, when she is separated of her sister she was so unhappy, but after a time she knew a shug and she did that celie feel trust. Certainly she was in love of shug, but she didn't replace to nettie

    2. Totaly truth, the novel is ver y sad, because the protagonist Celie was attacked and insulted. Those acts did to feel so unhappy! On the other hand, when she is separated of her sister she was so unhappy, but after a time she knew a shug and she did that celie feel trust. Certainly she was in love of shug, but she didn't replace to nettie

    3. Dear Gladys: Let's talk about Shug. Why is it difficult for Shug to commit to the people who love her?

    4. Shug is a beautiful woman, more pretty than Celie; her face rouge; her long hair; her sad leyes; she is a good personas; I think that it is difficult for Shug to commit to the people who love her, because she doesn't want that they to be embarrased her; also, may be because she is a singer and her father hates that.

  13. Well, if I take into account that at that time men were who had the control over all things, it was gender issue, because as they were the strong, rude and manly ones with lands, they only could take charge of those kind of things, it means, things related to business and money. While women had to take care of the rest. There was not any other reason for women to stop doing the hard job, except for that one, men were the biggest ones and as such a fact, the women had to be their maids.

    So now, if I consider ethnic identity, almost all of the characters of the book and the movie were persons of color so there's not reason to say that the skin color could affect the treatment among them, but If we look at one of the scenes, there was racism, when Sofia was imprisoned for rejecting the mayor's wife's offer to be her maid, it was completely an act of racism by itself.

    So both aspects are in the story whether implicit or explicit. So then I say both.

    1. Good! Let's talk about the title of the book! What is the significance of the title? Why do you think the author chose to use that title?

    2. I may dare to say the author chose that name for a single reason, mix the ethnic identity with a social issue, racism.

      I think the main purpose of the author was make clear that a simple skin color can't neigther define a person's life nor match their lifes forever.

      The color "purple" is a color as well as the other colors, on the other hand, we as a human beings, we may have different characteristics (skin color, gender and age), but at last we are humans, so for such a facf , we deserve be treated for what we are, persons. That's the significance or value the author had, I think. A color doesn't tell us what er really are.

    3. Do you see Alice Walker in one of the characters?

    4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    5. I think she is in one of the characters, but not at all. She added to the character "Alice" some aspects of her childhood. Alice walker was a reflection of the character "Alice" in the book.

      Some of the things that Alice Walker faced in her childhood, she gave them life or she expressed them through the Character or the personality of "Alice" in the book, so for that reason, it seems she is in one of the characters.

  14. I think that both because in that time women were treate like garbage they were just useful to rise children, to cook and to serve their husbands, also they were beaten by them without no reason and they can't do anything about it (but not sofia she was a warrior). On the other hand there was ethnic issues too, white people tends to treat black people as slaves, and if they don't wanted the white ones feel offended by their rejection as in the case of sofia that was in prison because she doesn't accept to be Ms Milly maid but in the end she have to accept to have her "Freedom" back.

    1. Is the story believable to you? Why or why not?

    2. Well yes it is, because the story talk about the struggle of two sister who were separated phisically but not in soul, so that's something believable for me because most people have suffered when it's separated of someone they love like it's a sister!on the other hand the racism and sexism that was so common in that time and that nowadays still happening over the world and also the love between shug and celie was something so believable.

  15. I think the fact that women in the story are not treated well is because an ethnic issue, for instance in that age is not a secret that Black men were under pressure because of racism issues so men had to put them first over women to show respect as white family did.

    1. What do you think of Celie’s habit of ending her letters to Nettie with “Amen”?

  16. In my opinion women were treated like that because of the simple fact of being women, and they were considered more slaves between slaves, since even if they were all afroamerican people, they made women do all the dirty jobs, cleaning, cooking, sexual 'jobs' shall we say, meanwhile men did all the "hard work" that in these times is perfectly done by tons of women around the world.

    1. Why is it difficult for Shug to commit to the people who love her?

    2. Because she though that help celie to found her dreams in order to be a happy person and she already
      Know that they couln't be together forever

  17. I considera that it's about customs because de can see in almost the whole movie violence expressed by men and women suffer that as a normal situation
