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The purpose of this blog is to share opinions about the Anglo-Saxon literature.

I will post some comments and questions about the topics discussed in class and you have to participate expressing your own points of view. You need to check the blog constantly 'cause depending on your classmates' opinions or ideas, you will answer. It means that you must participate more than once for each comment I post. Make the blog a dynamic window where we can share links, ideas and opinions that can help us learn more about the British and American Literature.

miércoles, 27 de junio de 2018

Resultado de imagen para the importance of being earnest

What are the major themes in "The Importance of being Earnest"?

33 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Throughout this story we can see the honesty as one of the main themes. We use to lie to protect our image in front of others and that is what Jack did. He hid information and he supposed to be other man when he changed his name.


  3. something that I found curious is that even when the story is old, today many people continue with the idea of ​​give characteristics to someone based on the name. it happened in the story and continues happening now and is something crazy. some people say things like: how can you be with someone called in that way?

  4. I think that is important, because i found various characteristics in the movie the language and the envirorment.. always the old stories improve the images or the scenes very interesting.. also the performance of the actors.. in this case about the IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST. that explain how a people can have or can be recognizer with tow names how Jack..

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  6. Jack Worthing, the play’s protagonist, is a pillar of the community in Hertfordshire, where he is guardian to Cecily Cardew, the pretty, eighteen-year old granddaughter of the late Thomas Cardew, who found and adopted Jack when he was a baby. In Hertfordshire, Jack has responsibilities: he is a major landowner and justice of the peace, with tenants, farmers, and a number of servants and other employees all dependent on him. For years, he has also pretended to have an irresponsible black sheep brother named Ernest who leads a scandalous life in pursuit of pleasure and is always getting into trouble of a sort that requires Jack to rush grimly off to his assistance. In fact, Ernest is merely Jack’s alibi, a phantom that allows him to disappear for days at a time and do as he likes. No one but Jack knows that he himself is Ernest. Ernest is the name Jack goes by in London, which is where he really goes on these occasions probably to pursue the very sort of behavior he pretends to disapprove of in his imaginary brother.

  7. As a commentary on the work, I find it funny or jocular because these two girls are looking for a man who looks like Ernerts, an imaginary character. And well sometimes we women wait for A BLUE PRINCE. Hahaha

  8. Congratulations guys for your interesting comments. Now, how do you think double meaning is used in this literary work?

    1. I think that the double meaning is maybe used for the reader to deepen into the story and realize the real feelings of each character and at the same time "feel" the way of being of each one although not seeing them.

    2. hi! for me the important, however, is that the title of the play reflects that there is something valuable and even honorable about being "earnest", or honest. Jack's famous last line, "Now I know the vital importance of being earnest," he seems to imply that one only needs to be earnest when it actually suits one's purposes. Jack was only accidentally honest.


  9. I think that the double meaning is used for the reader to deepen into the story and realize the real feelings of each character and at the same time "feel" the way of being of each one although not seeing them.

  10. A curious thing is to fall in love with someone you do not know. Cecily fell in love with Algy but only for the comments about him. It means, Cecily was attracted by the way of acting of this man and not by his physical appearance (because she had not seen him yet). These attitudes can be acquired when we read and fall in love with the protagonist of a story because of its characterization, not because of his face. In summary this seems super cool and even fun to keep memories (even with time) about things that "happened" that feed the feeling of love. For me it was super funny that Cecily had notes even of the fights.

  11. Well, a main theme of the story is that the main character is in love with his friend's cousin but for the lies he has already told the woman, he fears that the woman will not accept it and that when she discovers the truth she leaves him.

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  13. the major themes in "The Importance of being Earnest” is for me the public though and the honesty, because if Jack wouldn’t started his life in the city like Ernest, all the story could had been different, he would never have known Gwen and he would never have been a couple option for her, because she wanted to married with someone named Ernest, jajaja… the honesty was very important for Jack and Alg, they both changes their names for different reasons but at the end, all the Ernest’s Name drama demonstrate that the love between Gwen & Jack and Cecily & Alg was true and only their feelings mattered.

  14. the double sense in the story is focus on the name of it, just like aby said, if you really pay attention in the title "the importance to being Ernest" sound similar to "the Importance to being Honest"... i did not pay attencion in this feature of the story. is very ingenius ... for example in spanish the title could being "la importancia de ser Ernesto" is like "la importancia de ser Honesto" jajaja if they had been honest at the beggining the story would have been different.

  15. I totally agree with Susi... As in English as in Spanish the title has similarity. And according to what Aby said, in those decades people payed so much attention to your name, which family you came from, your posessions and manners in society. Maybe it has not changed throughout the years after all. There are people that continue paying so much attention to your social or economical level to get married with, as Gwen's mom did.


  16. I think the double meaning is in appreciating and recognizing the feelings of each character. I also consider that a message to the public is to proclaim honesty and sincerity.

  17. I think that double meaning of the story is about The name of the story is "The importance of being earnest" which developed in the opposite way because Ernest or jack does not show at any time his big earnest because he began to lie from the principle only for pretending to have a good reputation or being of high class, however everything went wrong for being with the lies but in the end everything was discovered and in such a way was forgiven by who he intended ..

  18. I think the double meaning of "the importance of being ernesto" is in the person he is and who he wants to be, I think it's an irony because Jack pretends to be someone he is not. I also agree with what Genesis said about the double meaning is depends on each reader who perceives the story in its own way.

  19. the double meaning of the story I think is given to what is developing as the title is named as the importance of being honest, since the characters are not honest and lie about their names

  20. They attempt to win the hearts of two women who, conveniently, claim to only love men called Ernest. The pair struggle to keep up with their own stories and become tangled in a tale of deception, disguise and misadventure.

  21. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  22. I think that values ​​play an important role in the story because, since the protagonists are not completely sincere, it promotes that people must be sincere mainly with themselves and with the others people.

  23. Also this story deals with various topics such as love, lies, deceit, respect, reputation, comedy, folly, society, class, gender among others. Lies on the part of Algernon and Jack. Algernon confesses a similar lies in having a friend who is Invalid in the Country who always visits every time he wants to escape unwanted social obligations. Apart from pretending to be called Ernest, leaving Cecily enchanted with that Name. Jack Pretends the love of Gwendolen the daughter of lady Bracknell which interviews to Jack and when she knowing that it is Adopted forbids him to have something with his daughter. But Gwendolen falls in love with him and without the mother realizing she get's the address where Jack lives. Some comedy about Jack and Algernon in every moment that presented some inconvenience with some of his Lies. Social class is about being respectable to the point of lying about it; the question of the role of each gender in society often focuses on power, respect and reputation.

  24. Nice participations. Now I would like you to tell us what the major conflicts in 'The Importance of Being Earnest'are.

    1. From my point of view, I think that one of the conflicts is the lie because this caused many inconveniences among the participants.

  25. Another relevant point is that the central plot of the work, the man that is and is not Ernest, presents a moral paradox. Seriousness, which refers to both the quality of being serious and the quality of being sincere, is the main objective of the satire work. Characters like Jack, Gwendolen, Miss Prism and Dr. Chasuble, who value sobriety and honesty, are hypocrites or in the end they have fallen into the mask. However, they favor the end of the story, since his father who is already dead had that name ERNEST told by Lady Bracknell'swho knew him and made him look for him in the book where he talked about who his father had been..

    I agree with Abi, one of the conflicts is person versus person because from my point of view, the protagonist has a conflict for telling lies and then he does not know whether to tell the truth. and the conflict of society because in the history social classes were very important, it was important if man had assets and he could represent women in society.

  27. one of the main conflicts in history is what happens with Lady Bracknell, Algernon's aunt, since she is feared by all and is the one that generates all the problems for the commitment of couples and in the same way that she has the key to conflict between your hands. also in society and those great standards of being of the upper class, it always happens in the majority of rich families that do not want their daughters to be with people of scarce resources or who have a stormy past.

  28. It's tricky to decide which is the main conflict since i can perceive two types of conflicts. Person vs person is one of them because Jack faced Lady Bracknell to ask for her consent on his engagement with her daughter Gwen. and Person vs Society since he fought for get a good position in society.

  29. The Major conflict in the importance of being Ernest for me was, when lady Bracknell didn't agree with the married of Gwen with Jack by his procedence, and also when Gwen express that she wanted to get married with someone called Ernest for how sound and so on, and she didn't change her mind. At the beggening of the story you try to think ... Ajá! And now? How can Jack go out of that situation without lost her?... ^^
