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martes, 28 de enero de 2014

Is Alice Walker sexist because the men in her story are almost universally mean? Should she have placed more emphasis on race rather than gender? Explain.

20 comentarios:

  1. She is sexist because “The color purple” shows a very negative image of men of that time (even though this could be true). The entire novel deals with the struggle of women to get recognition as individuals who merit an equal treatment.

  2. She shows an important point of view about that time that is the real life among black people, and also she focuses on the sexist part of the men as the head of the house because they were who worked. She putted emphasis on race of course, but the main point of view mas the sexist.

  3. I don’t know, but I don’t think this author is sexist. I believe to write about sexism, to expose this social topic as any other a writer would want to talk or reflect about, doesn`t make the author that way, in this case sexist.
    As for what she should have placed more emphasis on race rather than gender I’m not sure. I think the book is inspired by other social conflicts in the south of America during the early 1920’s until late 1930’s besides racism, even though racism was a very important issue to talk about, maybe the author wanted to expose other social struggles in that period that were terrible as well, like sexism and the way black women were treated.

  4. If she had placed more emphasis on race than gender, Alice would be considered a racist instead of sexist. Taking into account that some reviewers consider her as one of the promoters of feminism worldwide.

  5. She could be sexist, no one knows and it was long time ago. And for that age that it was written, I suppose nobody talked about it. I think is not about on race because it was normal that white people dominated black people and these some other like them, it was a rule and woman had not voice or choice. But that some men treated women worse than the garbage, It was the problem and someone has to wrote about it, and it was a woman, because of this she is sexist...in her story she focused in bad guys, rape, violence, wife beating, sex and alcohol, all bad things from her males character and debauchery of some women as Avery and Sofia. I think those are the referent why she is considered sexist.

  6. I Actually think as José, I don't consider her as a sexist because at that time, is what happened! and this book was just a way to describe that specific time. and as Subkey said, who knows?. It was written a long time ago, maybe the writer wanted to point that issue, and what better way to put it than doing an emphasis as Angel said.

  7. Nice opinions about the sexist and racist aspects of the novel! What about religion? Celie's writing letters to God is known as an "epistolary form," because letters to God or in a religious context are called "epistles." Why does Celie write to God? What is the role of religion in this novel?

  8. I don’t know why some people associate God with religion. Cannot I believe in God without belonging to a specific religion?
    I think Celie feels this way. God is everywhere; he is not merely in a church. He is in every plant, animal, and, of course in all human beings, no matter what their skin color, age, or position in life.
    I know this point is very controversial, I mean everything related to both religion and political. But, talking about religion, I also know that everyone has his own personal view, and his own personal God. For instance, in the novel, Celie in her letters to God is talking to her God, not Shug's, or Nettie's, but her own. In this sense, Shug sees God in everything. Celie uses God in place of a mother and a father she never had to help her grow.
    In summary, "The Color Purple" wants to teach us that everyone needs a God, no matter the way you use for seeking him. (It’s just what I think)

  9. Because he was the only one she had for write and as a therapy, it was the only way that she could express her feelings and to drain all her bad things. At first it is like a escape I think, because then she hated him and at the end she forgive everybody including the same God. As everyone else, we need to cling to something that keep us stronger and this is the role of religion.

    1. I agree with you, she believed in a superior entity named God, and that he was the only one who could help her, she maintained her faith on it and did a kind of confession on her letters to try feeling better herself.

  10. Hey! I do not saw your comment before mine... I correct myself, as you say, well is not something about religion at all, god is god, do not you? I think the question refers to religion as something spiritual it is not about specific a religion, we do not want to fall in controversial, do not we? people believe in what they want to believe and Celie believed in god when she needed him

  11. I think that she is sexist because there is to the discrimination of women when used as sex object.
    Regarding should she have placed more emphasis on race rather than gender? I agree with Johana. Because, Alice Walker was inspired by other social conflicts.
    This story allows women to resist oppression and dominance.
    Relationships Among women form a refuge, providing reciprocal love in a world filled with male violence.

  12. I think more like a role of religion, the book has a spiritual, intellectual and emotional journey of a life full of struggles.
    At the beginning of the story Celie has an image from God given to her by her social culture, the one given in church, and as Subkey said, she seems to start writing to God in an attempt to drain her pain from her life struggles, but when she finds out Albert, “Mr._” has been hiding for years the letters from Nettie, she gets so mad that she even try to kill Albert and stops writing to God and starts writing to Nettie instead. Shug asked her why? What happened to God? And she said “who that?” “What God do for me?”
    I like this part of the book, at this point in the story Celie almost stops believing about God and she has an interesting talk with Shug, she asked Celie what does God look like for her and she couldn`t stop saying a white man in robes with blue eyes and a bird. Celie doesn’t trust in God anymore because is a man and men have always treat her bad, but she kept her faith in God in spite of that, until that point when her faith gets crumbled. Shug invites her to start thinking about God not as a man; God is not a she or a he, Shug says god is everything, is inside you, inside everything.
    At the end of the story, after all Celie is been through, it has been 30 years and she is not the same shy girl, she is more mature and grown-up, she changed in deferent levels, she comes to a deeper understanding of what she wants to be God for her, she ends up writing Dear God, dear stars, dear trees, dear sky, dear people. Dear Everything. Dear God. Like Angel said everyone has their personal view, we don’t have necessarily to associate God with religion.

  13. I think that celie writes to god as a way to beg help and God depends of our religion and significance that we gave to that word or whatever God is, I think that maybe in Celie`s family ,the culture, also the place and all the things that black people lived in that age . they find in religion the support that society never gave them.

  14. Walker uses the form of the epistolary novel letter writing to emphasize the power of communication. Celie writes letters to God, Nettie and Celie writes letters. Therefore, despite writing letters allows himself e-xpression and confession.
    In the first parts of the novel, Celie sees God as his listener and helping hand, however, Celie has no clear idea of who God is. She knows deep down that your image of God as a white patriarch, but she says it's all you have.
    So I think it's not a question of religion but that Celie had the need to believe in something.

  15. about the first question I think that she was not sexist because she just wanted to highlight what life was like in that time. and it is also we know the people were so black race.

  16. in the second question I agree with Subkey and Jose said, write letters to God was a way to vent Cilie, because she was lonely, she had a lot of patience because the communication she had with God continuously through those letters.

  17. In my opinion she wrote letters to God because she wanted to believe that there were something bigger than everything, so in a way she was kind off hoping for an answer to her problems and as Subkey said is just a way she found to feel someones company instead of her own, or the ones who hurt her.

  18. Hi guys, I agree with all of your comments and think the same as you do, but I found an interesting quote with a another side of Celie` s view about religion. We all agree that she writes to God for a helping hand, but how does she feels about religion or right or wrong?
    Quote #2
    I ain’t never struck a living thing, I say. Oh, when I was at home I tap the little ones on the behind to make ‘em behave, but not hard enough to hurt.
    What you do when you git mad? she ast.
    I think. I can’t even remember the last time I felt mad, I say. I used to git mad at my mammy cause she put a lot of work on me. Then I see how sick she is. Couldn’t stay mad at her. Couldn’t be mad at my daddy cause he my daddy. Bible say, Honor father and mother no matter what. Then after while every time I got mad, or start to feel mad, I got sick. Felt like throwing up. Terrible feeling. Then I start to feel nothing at all.
    Sofia frown. Nothing at all?
    Well, sometime Mr.__ git on me pretty hard. I have to talk to Old Maker. But he my husband. I shrug my shoulders. This life soon be over, I say. Heaven last all ways.
    You ought to bash Mr.__ head open, she say. Think bout heaven later. (21.39-44)

  19. I think that the fact that Celie Writes to God, or other people is due to her need, basically human, to tell, to speak and to be heard.
